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Contact Us

How many times do you want to reach out to a company and there isn't any helpful contact information besides a phone number. Here, we lay it all out for you. Reach out to us whatever way you feel comfortable. We are happy with any of the methods. Thank you for your interest in our company!

Give us a Call

Appleton: 920-734-1436
Hortonville: 920-779-0151
Little Chute: 920-788-0260

Fax Number: 920-734-0929

Our Regular Hours:
8AM to 4:30PM Mon-Fri

We sell most parts over the counter.
Looking for a specific part? Call us!

Check out our careers page!
We're a great place to work.
See why, CLICK HERE.

Send us an Email


Email any of the above,
we'll get it to the right person.

You can also use the contact form
at the bottom of this page!

Do not email us about emergencies!
Always call for emergency situations.

Service Area

Contact Form

Have a question or concern for The Good Guys? Send it over through our contact form. Our form is intended for non-emergency requests during business hours only. If you have an emergency request for service please call our office and listen to the prompt to get connected with our answering service. We do our best to get back to everyone as soon as possible, and during business hours most responses are within the hour.

Looking to schedule an appointment? Use these links instead of filling out this form.

Your Name:

Be patient, it may take up to 10 seconds to send once clicking.

The name trusted by over 32,000 homeowners in the Fox Valley. A fifth generation family tradition, since the 1920s.

Award Winning Customer Service, Seal of Goodness Guarantee since 1966. No Pressure Promise! We do not utilize any high pressure tactics in our sales process, ever.

Address: 4450 W Greenville Drive. Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: (920) 734-1436 Fax: (920) 734-0929
Hours of Operation: 8:00a to 4:30p (Mon-Fri)

©2025 Christensen & Wisnet Inc. (d/b/a) The Good Guys Heating & Cooling

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